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Monday, 23 February 2015
Body Wash, Brazilian Wax, Skin Care – a Modern Woman’s Daily Diary
Bar soap vs. body wash
If you analyze, there really is no difference between the two. Both contain fatty acid alkali salts and detergents meant to mix dirt and oil and remove them when washed with water. However, they do more. They also snatch away the natural oils of skin. That’s why you often need to slather moisturizers after bathing.
The newest line of body washes claim to possess in-built moisturizers. Yet experts say that there is hardly a difference between using body washes and bar soaps. Use whatever you like.
DIY Brazilian wax – can it be done?
If you are uncomfortable with a stranger staring down at your private parts while waxing, you can do Brazilian wax at home. However, be ready to tolerate the excess pain. This is because there is a difference when an amateur like you removes hair through wax and when a professional does it. In spite of this, if you are adamant in doing it yourself, make sure you have a good mirror in hand.
Secrets to perfect skin
The secret is that there are no secrets! Regular and proper care of your skin is enough to flaunt healthy, glowing complexion irrespective of your age. Also, you must use age-appropriate skin products. As your skin matures, its needs and care changes. Listen to your skin and adopt age-appropriate skin care.
The traditional skin cleansing, toning, and moisturizing routine is still in fashion. It will always be. Clean skin is the key to healthy complexion. Well-moisturized skin is the key to its youthfulness.
While pampering your skin, do not forget to solve under-eye issues like dark circles, crow’s feet, fine lines, and puffiness. Remember; there are separate creams for the area under the eyes. They contain specific elements meant to take care of the extremely delicate area under your eyes.
According to skin experts, you must not rub the area under eyes due to its high delicacy. It can damage the skin. While using an under eye cream, pat the formula with your fingers on the area, instead of rubbing at it.
Whether it is wax, skin care, or cleansing of your body, choose the right products; be gentle and loving to your body; and listen to its subtle signals.
Monday, 16 February 2015
Smoother Shaving Advice
complimentary skin and hair, hair removal creams benefits, how to remove craters on face
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Shaving is that annoying
thing that most women do daily. Here are some tips to make hair removal better,
faster, easier and have those smooth limbs for longer.
Exfoliate before you shave. If exfoliate before
you shave, you get rid of dead skin cells that can hinder a really close shave.
2. If you
run out of shaving cream, use hair conditioner or shower lotions. You might also
want to try shaving with baby oil for a really close shave. Just keep in mind
it will gunk up your razor.
3. If you
use disposable razors, use a new one every three uses.
4. Shave
downwards then upwards for the closest shave possible. This also works great for
those who have sensitive skin.
5. Never
slide a razor sideways across your skin or you’ll end up with lots of cuts.
6. Don’t
shave over any existing wounds.
7. Bend your
knees when you are shaving your knees to avoid missing any sections.
8. Use
razors with five blades. Don’t be afraid to try men’s products because often
they work really well for shaving your legs.
9. If your
armpits tend to become very dark, try natural treatments to help lighten the
hair and skin such as cucumbers and lemon juice. You can also try waxing to
help pull the hair out at the root and lighten the look of your skin without
10. If your
skin gets irritated from shaving, use after shave solutions such as aloe vera
gel, baby oil or a cold compress to soothe the skin. Put on lotion when your skin
is damp to ensure it is sucking in all the moisture.
Make your own shaving creams! Use ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil and essential oils to make a natural shaving cream.
12. Pull the
skin taut to help the blade move across the skin easier. Only do this if it doesn’t
irritate the skin.
13. Use short
strokes to avoid cutting yourself accidentally, especially around tricky areas
like your knees.
14. Don’t use
soap because it will irritate your skin and could cause you to cut yourself
15. Lastly,
if you’re fed up with shaving, waxing and everything else, try laser hair
removal. It can be costly, but it will save you money in the long run that was
spent buying shaving products.
P.S : We
are launching our new Beauty Advisor
box! The best part is, your first welcoming box is FREE and features two of
our favorite products!
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
3 Makeup Mistakes that Make you Look Old
When it comes to trying to pick the right make up for a night out,
it can become pretty difficult to choose what is actually going to make you
look great. Makeup tips can also be difficult to pick between because some tips
are right for one face but totally wrong for another! Therefore, trying to get
the right makeup tips for your face can lead to significant problems and
actually make yourself look older!
We aren’t going to give you any makeup tricks that are going to
make you look “a hundred years younger” but we definitely want to give you some
mistakes that you should definitely avoid making.
Mistake One – Too Much Foundation
Picking a foundation which is too thick will settle into the lines on your face, as
well as start to take the luminosity out of your face. You should make sure
that you are using make-up to compliment a natural look, not hide it!
You don’t need to cover every part of your face with foundation,
try and avoid any “matte” or “velvet” formats and try and look for sheer liquid
formulas that also have a light diffusing pigment about them. When it comes to
foundation, less is most definitely more!
Mistake Two – Too Much Makeup Under Your Eyes
Because the skin under your eyes is pretty thin, trying to
completely conceal eye circles is going to leave your eyes looking a little bit
strange. A thick concealer that comes in a pot will definitely get rid of the
shadows, but it might make you look a little unbalanced in the face, too.
Try and go for a highlighter pen – preferably a brush-on
equivalent – that use illuminating particles rather than an opaque colour. This
looks far more natural and balanced, which should be one of your main
priorities when it comes to trying to make your face look right with makeup
Mistake Three – Deep Lipstick
Your lips naturally
are red, so when you apply another layer of red it can make you look a little
bit crazy. As we all know, darker colours make something appear smaller and
this is not something that you exactly want to do with your lips. Rather you
want your mouth to look as light and full as possible, so go for a lighter
colour like a peachy or vibrant red.
This looks much better than using a deeper lipstick that can
actually make your face look a little bit thinner and older. These simple
solutions are great ways for keeping your face looking clear and safe, leaving
a more natural look than before.
P.S : We are introducing our new Beauty Advisor box! The best part is, your first welcoming box is FREE and features two of our favorite products!